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Students Wanting to Connect with Teachers. Scroll down to see more. ALL STUDENTS (Old first)
See the Student Profile
In this Demo Listing 1, there are only 8 teachers, shown, from first registered. If there are any Top-Listed teachers (yellow sides) and here we can see 2 (Jimmy and Kurt), they are always listed first, followed by any teachers who teach a 'non-English' subject (red sides).
Tagged and Accredited teachers, are not classified but show the yellow 'tag' or the highly-valued red 'tag.'
Jimmy appears before Jacques because Jimmy registered as Top-Listed (yellow) and Jacques did not. Jacques follows all Top-Listed listings as he is registered as a (red) non-English listing.
Jack follows all top-Listed and all non-English listings. In this search Jack is first out of the 'Standard' listings, as this search is 'All Teachers, Old first,' first registered listings appear before latter listings.
When this symbol is clicked a full profile of the student opens.
Profiles are not shown on the Demo Listings.
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